Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Now Is Not the Time to Give Up

There is no getting around it - achieving and exceeding great expectations require tremendous sacrifice, passion and sweat-equity. To invest sacrifice, passion and sweat-equity means that we must give of ourselves in ways that can be taxing and nerve-wracking. Most people who are pursuing a dream don't mind the sacrifices necessary in order to achieve their heart's desire, as long as a return on the investment is yielded. At the onset of the dream, all of this sacrificing, passion and sweat sound great. It's hard to believe that the results you're expecting won't be achieved if you are willing to put every ounce of your energy into getting whatever it is you are wishing for. How can you miss when you gave it your all - you held nothing back? You may be thinking that your passion contains enough energy to keep you going no matter what happens. Although we like to be financially rewarded, when we have something of value to offer, at some point, passion goes beyond monetary gain, because you invested more than money. A dollar amount cannot be applied to tremendous sacrifice, self-denial, and labors of love. When the unforeseeable happens; when there is silence and you are expecting cheers; when you're left to question why your passion isn't providing enough fuel to get you to the end game, you are then forced to deal with some harsh realities. However harsh the realities, now is not the time to give up.

When we are willing to deplete our reserves of time, energy, and money, there is reasonable expectation that people will appreciate and value our efforts. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen. As a matter of fact, it is possible to put everything that you have into something and receive negative or no feedback at all. These undesirable responses can eat away at your confidence; send you spiraling into a state of depression; or beat you down until you feel as though you have no other alternative but to throw up your hands in surrender, thinking I may as well give up. The lack of interest or appreciation on the part of others should not be interpreted as a failure on your part. When you've reached the point of I may as well give up, you can do the obvious, or you can choose to use this low point as the pivotal point because now is not the time to give up.

The pivotal point is when you decide you've invested too much of you to give up. The pivotal point is when you analyze your decisions, actions, and options. How much thought went into the decisions that were made? Did your actions offend anyone? Were your intent and message clearly articulated? Did you consider what you would do in the event things did not turn out the way you planned or were you so tunneled-vision thinking there was only one course of action to take? Did you carefully consider your options or if there were any options?

The pivotal point is when you remind yourself that you are flexible and will make the necessary adjustments to proceed -- refusing to give-up. The pivotal point is when you give yourself that necessary moment of self-pity, and tears in order to purge and refresh. Get them out (the tears and self-pity) and get rid of them. After you've had your moment you recognize that turning back is not an option you're willing to exercise because of burning desire still in you. The pivotal point is when you recognize life's inevitable humbling experience needed in order to remind you of the dire consequences of arrogance, conceit, self-absorption. Yes, you were brought to the edge, but you don't have to go over it because now is not the time to give up. Instead, look out onto the new horizons (they happen everyday), envision what it is that you want (you've got to see it in order to know what to pursue); and use everything that has happened in the past to your advantage and for good because now (or never) is not the time to give up.

Pamela Reaves© December 14, 2011

Pamela Reaves is the Founder and CEO of NELLA LLC. She is a Certified Professional Coach, with concentrations in Motivational Coaching and Relationship Coaching. Pam is trained to coach clients in their pursuits of healthy, happy and powerful human experiences. She is also the author of the thought-provoking and powerful book, "Is It Love...Or Merely a Sick Attachment?" "Is It Love..." is published by Tate Publishing & Enterprises and has been well-received by readers as far away as Africa and Australia. Pam holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Management and has over 30 years experience in working and thriving in diverse corporate cultures in the areas of human resource, labor relations, finance, legal, and real estate. Pam has appeared on a number of radio talk shows, participated in numerous blog-radio talk shows, and on cable TV talk shows. She has also co-hosted a virtual Think Tank, and has been a featured author and speaker at a host of other cultural events, book festivals, expos. To more learn more about Pam, her life coaching practice, upcoming books and events, visit her at http://www.pamreavesnellallc.com.

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